Gay & lesbian film fest starts – By Arts writer

A host of international and local movies can be seen at the annual Out In Africa Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, which starts on Thursday at Nu Metro, V&A Waterfront and runs until April 1.

Countries including the United States, Spain, Thailand, the Philippines and France will be represented.

Some of the films featured include.

# Beautiful Boxer. Directed by Ekachai Uekrongtham. Thailand, 2003. (Subtitles). The true story of Parinya Charoenphol, this film focuses on the sport of Muaythai (kick boxing) that allows the transsexual to explore and express himself. Screens on Sunday, March 25 at 8pm.

# Creature. Directed by Parris Patton. USA, 2002. The touching story of drag queen Stacy and her four-year odyssey from bullied North Carolina farm boy to fully fledged womanhood and one of the most celebrated DJs at Hollywood’s Club Arena. Screens on Tuesday, March 22 at 6.30pm and on Thursday, March 29 at 6.30pm.