Terminology Change

URNotAlone has been around since 1995. That’s twelve years. Every once in a while, Jon and I reminisce about all of the changes we have been through. For as large and popular a site as URNA is, remember, it’s still just two people. Jon and myself.

In a lot of ways, URNotAlone is the end result of countless experiments, brain storming sessions and random ideas. Sometimes, we hit a home run and sometimes, we have to go back to the drawing board.

One of the most confusing parts of URNA has always been our membership options. What’s a Pending Member? What about a Provisional Member? What can a Registered Member do? It’s sort of a mess, and we are aware of this.

Beginning today, we will be implementing a change in our terminology, which hopefully, will make URNotAlone’s vast array of membership options easier to understand.


URNotAlone has always giving it’s basic services away for free. In order to pay our bills, we offer multiple membership options. Our philosophy is “Pay or Play”. A Visitor to the site can read articles, events and do basic member searches, but for all intents and purposes, they aren’t involved in our community. The haven’t posted a free profile, nor have they contributed money, so access to the site is limited.

Bronze Member (was Provisional)

A Bronze member has signed up for a free account, but they haven’t completed their profile. They can use our chat room, email members, and browse the directory, but they can’t post journal entries, add friends, or take advantage of additional site features available to people who have completed their profiles.

Silver Member (was Registered)

A Silver Member has signed up for a free account, completed their profile and uploaded a photo that meets our requirements. This is all free, but simply doing so unlocks a ton of new features, including friend lists, hot lists, journal posting and much much more.

Gold Member (was URNA Plus)

A Gold Member has purchased a subscription. They do not have to maintain a profile on the site, but they can enter chat, contact members and browse profiles.

Gold Plus

A Gold Plus member is someone who has purchased a subscription AND maintains a completed profile with an approved photo. You can be a Gold member, but just paying the fee doesn’t unlock all features. You MUST have a complete profile and an approved photo.

Platinum Member (was ModelTs Full Access Pass)

A Platinum Member has purchased a subscription. This is the highest subscription that we offer, allowing access to chat, contact members, unlimited browsing, access to all member photos and galleries as well as access to our exclusive adult content.

Platinum Plus

This is a Platinum subscription holder who also maintains a complete profile with an approved photo. All features unlocked and full access to all of our content.

Hopefully, these changes in terms, and clearly outlining what is available for each membership option will help our members to select the option that’s best for them.

You can also see a more detailed matrix of our membership options and what is included with each at our Compare Plans page.