Vicky14u – Member of the Month

Vicky14u – Member of the Month for September 2022: We’re pleased to be featuring Vicky14u as the URNA Member of the Month for September 2022. Vicky is an age 51 trans woman, from Arizona. Vicky’s positive, bubbly personality caught our attention. Vicky has uploaded 20+ photos to her chat profile. Vicky enjoys meeting new friends for personal, business and transgender support.

Vicky14u - URNA Miss September 2022

Vicky14u’s Bio

Chat Username: Vicky14u
Name: Vicky
Gender: M2F Trans Woman
Height: 5 ft. 10 in. /177.80 cm
Weight: 140 lbs
Profession: Freelance Media
Number of photos in your profile: 30+

Trans Support Chat Profile: Vicky14u @ Trans Support Chat
Trans Adult Chat Profile: Vicky14u @ Adult Trans Chat

Vicky14u – Member of the Month Interview

URNA: How long have you been a transgender chat member?

Vicky14u: I have been a trans chat member since 2017-18 and on other sites, on and off in the beginning.  I was on URNotAlone to check it out previously under a different name, as I was cautious to avoid my friends finding out prior to my coming out recently.

URNA: What are your favorite activities in URNA trans chat?

Vicky14u: My Favorite activities are chatting with my best friends and others, and the guys who come here. I like posting pics in some nice female clothing and learning to use my makeup. I also enjoy chatting with others who had questions about being male to female gal.

Vicky’s Trans Chat Profile Photos

Vicky14u - URNA transgender chat member Vicky14u - URNA transgender support chat member profile photo Vicky14u - transgender adult chat member

URNA: What is your Favorite quote?

Vicky14u: My favorite quote hmmm…  “Just Do It” It’s time to let go of the past & be yourself, Don’t think, Just do it.

URNA: You have a lot of interests its seems you enjoy life. What are your favorite activities, hobbies, etc?

Vicky14u: I enjoy many activities as I did prior to my coming out. I’m an outdoors woman. I enjoy summer and winter photography. My passion is wildlife, landscapes, and making short films.

URNA: Regarding your work in film and TV media. Can you tell us about your recent projects?

Vicky14u: Right now I’m working to start a new small business — A film location scouting and logistics service based in Sedona, Arizona.  We take pictures for creatives looking to film here pre- production.

Vicky14u’s Trans Chat Profile Photos

Vicky14u - transgender chat member photo profile

URNA: Do you have any film projects coming up, or anything you would like to produce?

Vicky14u: I would love to make an indie film About the transgender community highlighting professional transgender women as well as an indie wildlife film either in Arizona or the Yellowstone area.

URNA: If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your 10-year-old self?

Vicky14u: My advice to myself at ten yrs old is listen to my parents and be true to myself. Don’t be afraid to express my feelings and study harder to get good grades. Do not let the bullies get under my skin.

URNA: What advice would you give other trans women who are just beginning their gender journey?

Vicky14u: Be true to yourself. Love yourself. Beware of others who do not have your best interest at heart. Follow your dreams.

Vicky14u’s Trans Chat Profile Photos

URNA: What advice do you have for passing as female in public?

Vicky14u: Be confident in your femininity. Be yourself. Dress like a mature person in public and you will be just fine.

URNA: Is there anything else we should know about you?

Vicky14u: I would love to try my hand at modeling as a mature transgender woman and maybe find some acting extra work, as being diversified is a good thing. I am enjoying life with the special best friends I have including male, female and transgender. Life is short so live it while you can.

URNA: Do you have other sites or social media pages where our visitors may get to know you better?

Vicky14u: I’m on Instagram. Look for Vicky @vickyvwilliams

URNA: Best of luck to you Vicky, and thank you for being our URNA Miss September.

Vicky14u URNA Miss September 2022

Vicky14u - Transgender chat profile at trans chat.

Feel free to leave a comment for Vicky14u below and then go to URNA adult trans chat where you can get to know her better. See Vicky14u’s profile in trans support chat (non-adult). See Vicky14u’s profile in trans adult chat.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Photos of Vicky14u are subject to copyright protection. These member photos are used here with express permission for viewing on this page only. No other use is permitted without the consent of the owner.

1 thought on “Vicky14u”

  1. Wel hi there and wow, Congratulation my dear friend Vickey. I’m so happy for you, Couldn’t been a more deserving woman. I love you bunches my friend keep on being so pretty and adorable.
    Tara Madelyn


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