Where the Truth Lies – member opinion


Before you flip a wig and write nasty stuff all over the web, take time to understand the perspective from which this is written. It is not meant to demean any one person, but of attitudes we allow to persist because it is easi…

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URNA 2.0 New Main Page First Look

Pam – June 8 2015

These are screen shots of the new main page for urnotalone.com. All pages will automatically adjust to the screen size. They are still very rough, but will give you an idea of what’s coming.

One of the goals is a greater emphasi…

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My date with Mr. Question

My date with Mr. Question.

The volume of people was overwhelming with two parallel conferences sharing the same hotel. A casual observer could easily identify who belonged to which event.It was the first day of our event and I was standing in the fl…

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Confidence Hack in one simple step In

urntoalone.com – Jennifer Anne Carron June 6 2015

Take a walk with me for a moment. No pretences, no judgements, no malintent. Just walk with me.

I want you to reflect on what I just said. How did it make you feel? The reason I asked that que…

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I am a liar

I am a liar.

We all are at times. There are many studies, that given a choice with no immediate consequences, we all lie to promote or enhance our position. But, tiny lies.

And then, there are the bigger ones. The part of us we keep hidden fr…

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Dressing Caitlyn Jenner

(Editor: Pam – This is a glimpse into the back story on what will be an iconic cover for good or bad. Personally, I would have never picked a corset for all the negative connotations, but she looks good. In many ways I like this pix better.)


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‘Call Me Caitlyn”

(Editor: Pam – there is a whole universe of articles about the Caitlyn Jenner’s upcoming Vanity Fair cover. This is the original from Vanity Fair.)

vanityfair.com – Staff with Photographs by Annie Leibovitz June 1 2015

Vanity Fair’s 22-page cove…

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