3rd Year Update

Three Years and counting

It has been too long since I posted an update, so here goes.

A good place to start is the status of updating the site. Year 1, I contracted with two different firms to work on updating the site and the chat client. The f…

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Tracilyn is Playfully Purple in Dayton, OH

(editor Pam: periodically, I try to post articles/information about our members)

Tracilyn is a Transsexual Female Recording Artist residing in Dayton, Ohio. Since arriving in 2010, she has been working on a song project she calls the, “50 Song Proje…

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Message from a Member – Summer 2017

Maybe its a life change or the fact that I tend to be up in the middle of the night more often. In fact, its 1 am here and the neighborhood, aside from a few barking dogs here and there, its pretty much quiet. Its a good time for me to think and let …

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Dear Men of The Breakfast Club

www.allure.com by Janet Mock (@JanetMock) July 2017

the following was written in response to comments by Lil Duval, a comedian, who misgendered Janet, suggesting violence against transwomen is justified, and more on the same day as the announcemen…

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