Bitch session

You won’t let me dump you! I keep trying, and somehow you’re still here. I’m not “afraid of our love.” I’m afraid you’re going to steal all my stuff while I’m at work.

Hey twinks — yea you. We ain’t interested. Signed, The Trolls.

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Netherlands bans magic mushrooms

The Dutch government is banning the sale of all magic mushrooms after a series of high-profile incidents involving tourists who had taken them.

The decision will go into effect within several months, said a spokesman for the Dutch …

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Trans Hookers Get A Leg Up

Suggestions For The Strapped Street Walker

If you think it’s hard out there for a pimp, consider the harsh reality of being a tranny hooker. Not only do you have to scour the streets for a turned-on John, but then you have to explain …

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Transexual Frogs – jodi41086’s blog

A popular weed killer makes some frogs grow the wrong sex organs. Your drinking water may have 30 times the dose they’re getting

I also read this article for English and its very interesting. Poor Frogs right! …

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Control Tower & Kink Calendar – By Mistress Matisse

Games People Play

Ring ring!

Caller: Hello, Mistress? Do you do forced feminization?

This is one of those calls where I have to make a choice: I can just say no and end the call, or I can try drawing th…

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Now its the hummersexual – Mark Simpson

There?s a war going on in the United States. A war on metros. After years of living under the cruel designer heel of those triumphant metrosexuals, poor old retrosexuals — alias ?regular guys?? — are fighting back. Old-time…

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