Our New Photo Upload Page

Now that things have settled down from our move, we have been able to spend some time fixing bugs and making some much need improvements to the site.

Our latest Update is the Photo Upload page. In an effort to make it easier to manage your Profile p…

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Simplified Profile Links are Back!

That’s right, simplified profiles have returned! Thanks to one of our Members, Raina, and a lot of poking around on the server, I’ve managed to restore our old naming convention for linking to member profiles.

Instead of


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Our Latest Upgrade!

First, the “Bad News” – A few of our services (Chat, Member Logon) will be offline for the next 24 hours (August 21-22)

What’s the good news you ask? We’ve upgraded the URNotAlone server!

That’s right, we’ve moved from our little 800 MHz AMD serv…

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Small Minds, Big Internet

Did you know that Jon, Dan and Scarlett are all the same person? I’ll bet you didn’t. I bet you thought URNA was a Transgendered community site. Well it’s not. It’s porn all the way baby!

All of this and more according to a person on UseNet who goes…

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Our New Resource Section

URNA is please to announce it’s brand new “Resource” section. A great place to find other Transgendered resources on the internet.

What makes ours special? Our resource section is actually a direct feed from the Open Directory Project (dmoz), the r…

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URNA Staff 2003-08-01 00:00:00

Our Latest Featured Member! We Randomly select members that embody many of the things that make URNA special. A sense of style or flair, and involvement in the community, or just people who make this an interesting place. There is no specific criteria …

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Construction Underway!

Now that URNA has moved to a new server, you are going to start seeing a lot of little changes everyday. The biggest change coming is that we are merging URNA with ModelTS!

You may have noticed that there is now a “ModelTS” option in the People sect…

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